
Supporting local students through the crisis

The COVID-19 response contracted the local economy. This economic contraction negatively impacts everyone, especially low-income families. Fortunately, many of these families have students already connected to our program.

Since’s launch in 2018 we have worked in partnership with Communities in Schools of Seattle to connect tech with local schools. We provide supplies, volunteers, host workplace visits and more.

Addressing immediate problems

The Greenlight Fund reaches students and families directly. Through regular contact with students, staff unearth and react quickly to their emerging needs. Funds may be used to:

  • Offset family childcare costs;
  • provide direct financial assistance to struggling families,
  • access to healthy food,
  • support tech connectivity, and
  • address other hurdles students face.

How it works

Communities in Schools has existing relationships with students and families. They can quickly identify needs ‘on-the-ground’ and react fast. Clients do not need to fill out an application. No review boards or hoops. Just small direct cash transfers or goods where they’re needed most.

We’ve done this before

This fund already has a history of success. Funds previously deployed have supported students and their families through financial hardships, paid for onsite snacks, provided extracurricular support, purchased school supplies, and more.

You can take immediate action towards helping your community by donating to the greenlight fund.


100% of your donation is tax-deductible and available for matching from your employer. Funds are received and managed by Communities in Schools of Seattle – an affiliate of Communities In Schools of Washington and a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. EIN 91-1910330
